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Image of a modern laundry room. Theres a washer and dryer with a slab of pretty wood going around it to create a table top on top. ABove that is a shelf. There are nicknacks around to complete the look.

Hassle-Free Guide to Installing a Washer and Dryer

Are you considering installing a washer and dryer in your Denver home but unsure where to start? At Professional Facility Solutions, we’ve got you covered. Let’s walk through the steps to help you set up these essential appliances hassle-free.


1. Choose and Prepare the Space:

Select a well-ventilated area with access to water connections and electrical outlets. Clear the space, ensuring a level surface to prevent appliance vibrations during operation. Adequate drainage is crucial, so check for any potential leaks.


2. Water & Drain Connections:

Connect the washer’s hoses to the hot and cold water supply lines. Secure these connections using thread seal tape to prevent leaks. Ensure the drain hose is securely attached to the designated drainage point, allowing smooth water flow during cycles.

3. Electrical Setup for the Dryer:

Plug the dryer into a suitable electrical outlet, ensuring it meets the required voltage and amperage. Check the power cord for any damage and ensure a snug fit into the outlet.

4. Ventilation for the Dryer:

Install the dryer’s ventilation duct, directing it outside to expel hot, moist air efficiently. Proper ventilation prevents lint buildup and promotes effective drying.

5. Test Run:

Turn on the water supply and plug in both appliances. Run a test cycle for the washer and dryer to identify any leaks or operational issues. Double-check connections and settings for optimal performance.


When to Consider Professional Help

While installing a washer and dryer is manageable for many, situations might call for professional assistance:


  • Complex Plumbing Configurations: If your plumbing system involves intricate setups or non-standard connections, such as requiring additional valves or adapters, a professional’s expertise can ensure proper integration. They can navigate complex plumbing configurations to prevent leaks and ensure efficient water supply for your washer.
  • Electrical Requirements Beyond Standard Outlets: Installing a dryer might involve specific electrical needs beyond a typical outlet. If your setup requires alterations to the electrical system, such as adding a dedicated circuit or upgrading wiring to meet higher voltage or amperage requirements, a professional electrician’s assistance is essential. They’ll ensure safe modifications to accommodate your dryer’s power needs.
  • Space Limitations and Modifications: In cases where the designated area for your washer and dryer needs modifications, like adjusting plumbing or electrical connections to fit the appliances snugly, professional assistance becomes vital. They can handle necessary adjustments without compromising safety or functionality.
  • Safety and Code Compliance: When dealing with plumbing and electrical systems, adherence to safety standards and local codes is crucial. Professionals are well-versed in regulations, ensuring installations meet safety requirements and comply with building codes, safeguarding your home against potential hazards and ensuring legal compliance.


At Professional Facility Solutions, we understand the intricacies involved in installing washers and dryers. Our expertise covers a spectrum of challenges, from complex configurations to ensuring safety and code compliance. We strive to provide Denver homeowners with peace of mind by delivering meticulous and professional installation services.


Should you encounter complexities beyond your comfort level or if your installation requires modifications or upgrades beyond standard procedures, reaching out to our team ensures a seamless installation process tailored to your specific needs. Your safety and the optimal functioning of your appliances remain our top priorities.